I see you, Mama.
Mama, you are dynamic in every way. Your life and existence have so much value. You are worthy. You are a gift. I see you. I honor you. I love you.
My deepest desire is for you to be cared for holistically. Your mind, your body, your soul and your spirit. It all matters. I want you to feel connected, to see your body and all of its changes. It’s changing every day, experience your pregnancy down to the flutters and the kicks. I’ve listed three tips to help you keep you encouraged along the way.
1. Celebrate your pregnancy!
Rejoice always! Mama, tell the world. Remember, to be connected to community is to be connected to self. Celebrate the positive pregnancy test, prenatal appointments, telling your family and friends you’re pregnant, even celebrate the morning sickness. It’s exciting and a bit scary, all rolled up. We want to celebrate with you. From hearing the baby's first heartbeat to wearing maternity clothes, there are a lot of changes.In case you forget they are worthy to celebrate. Whether it's writing your birth plan or finding a doula, every part, and I sure do mean every part of your pregnancy is a gift to you! We’re here to par-tayyyy!
2. Select your Birth team.
Mama, know yourself. Choosing the right birth team for you will lay the foundation for a confident journey. Before you start interviewing your potential birth team members, ask yourself: what type of birth do I envision? Where do I plan on giving birth? Who do I want in my laboring space? It’s very important to tour birth locations and to speak with multiple birth professionals. Ask a ton of questions. Mama, you are intelligent and you know exactly what you envision for your birth. As you interview doulas, midwives, and obstetricians, try to imagine them there. Simply, choose the team that speaks to your vision, the team you want to be near you as you usher in Life.
3. Prenatal Care
Stay healthy! Listen, it’s easy to be overwhelmed by all the to-dos of life, so I want to remind you to care for your temple. Start your prenatal vitamins, research the right herbal medicine for you, drink 64 oz of water a day and no less. Stay active, it's important. Your body craves activity and it can help reduce stress, control your weight, boost your mood and sleep better. Listen to your body. Eat your fruits,vegetables, and herbs. Rest, rest, rest. It's also very helpful to download an app that tells you all about that beautiful baby growing inside you. Find yourself a parent’s group, virtually or in-person. Make some new friends. Remember, we need community! Search in your area for child birthing, breastfeeding, and even Lamaze classes. I offer an online course, “What to expect in the first 48 hours after Birth ”. Take the classes and educate yourself because the knowledge that you will obtain is priceless. Attending a childbirth class will help you feel more prepared for delivery, postpartum and beyond.
As your belly grows, honor it, love it, and respect it. Rub some sweet almond oil on it and sing to your sweet child. Create spaces for your peace and make no exceptions. I see you Mama, you are beloved and cared for. Mama, you are adored and cherished. Rejoice.